8 Things Every Girl Should Do In Her 20s
Ending the teenage on a bright note and stepping into the 20s is perhaps the best part of life. The 20s is the time when one can be free and independent, can enjoy life and shape the dreams, travel through the hard roads and learn the best lessons. It’s also a confusing phase as one is on the verge of wrapping up college to take a greater leap towards university or maybe walk into the job culture that awaits with a lot of challenges. Some courageous ones often choose not to follow any of the paths, and take a gap year to just explore the world and one’s inner passions!
Amidst all chaos and confusion of hitting the 20s, there’s a certain sense of glory as well, a satisfying feeling of growing up. From 20 to 29 is a long journey, and each day is precious.
Here’s a list of things that every girl should do in her 20s to surprise life before life surprises her!
1. Choose your friends wisely.
While you are young, you tend to make friends with everyone. In school, anyone who offers tiffin becomes a friend. Life tends to be pretty simple then, but as you grow up, you need to choose your friends wisely as they have a major role to play in your life. A bad company will have the power to drag you on unlawful paths, and vice versa. Your choice of friends will define you as a person. Rather than having a bunch of ‘just friends’, try to have a few ‘real friends’.
2. Take up your dream job even if it is low paid.
While growing up, our ambitions usually keep changing. But by the time you hit your 20s, you tend to know your passion. Often what you love to do might not be a proper choice of profession and might not fetch you enough money. But if that’s enough to sustain yourself and if it makes you happy, then go for it. Money matters, undoubtedly, but not more than your dream job. When you are still young, never let anything stop you from living your dreams. Know that you can’t trade off happiness for the sake of making more money!
3. Make your parents feel proud of you.
Remember that your parents have invested a major part of their lives in shaping yours — they have done their best and that’s why you have received all the good things in life till now. So it’s your turn now and you can experience the joy of repaying their kindness and unconditional love, by developing a more stronger relationship with them. They care for you, and you should do everything possible that would make them feel good. You don’t need to do something extremely big, but whatever you do should be meaningful enough to make them feel proud of having a daughter like you.
4. Take up a challenge and experience adrenaline rush.
Pushing your comfort zone to try something that terrifies you and gives you a massive adrenaline rush is a must in your 20s! Don’t hesitate, ‘coz this would be an experience that you would cherish throughout your life. Go for bungee jumping, scuba diving, skydiving, river rafting or anything that scares you — try it for once at least! After you do it, you’ll be immensely proud about overcoming your fears and you’ll be a more confident individual. Trust me when I say this, I had made a checklist for my 25th birthday, and ensured that I get to tick off everything from the list!
5. Go for a solo trip to a distant country.
Till the time you are in school, your parents are extremely concerned about you — but once you get over your teens, they would also start seeing you as an adult, and treat you as an independent individual. This is the time when you should convince them to let you travel solo. Share your thoughts with them, discuss your plans and tell them why thinking of traveling solo, even if it’s for once in a lifetime! Once you convince them, pack your bags and go for a distant land that you always dreamt of visiting. Traveling across borders will introduce you to new cultures, language, festivals, cuisines, and people, which will eventually broaden your mind, help you to develop better life skills, and make you a more patient and tolerant human being. You’ll learn about the beauty of diversity, as you’ll soak in the authentic vibes of the place.
6. Do something to make a difference to society.
In most cases, when you do something for someone, you expect that person to return the favor even when you don’t express it directly. Helping a friend or a family member in need and supporting them is undoubtedly your responsibility. But have you ever thought about how it would be to volunteer for a cause and help people who aren’t as privileged as you are? The 20s is the age when can take the step and find the time out for serving others without having any expectations. Opt for a volunteering trip to any developing nation, spend some time with the underprivileged people and make a difference in their lives for good. Not only will this be beneficial for them, but you too, will get to learn a lot from your experiences.
7. Value yourself and don’t compare your life with others.
While most of the people in their 20s are busy running in the rat-race for achieving something or the other, take your time and understand whether you really need to be a part of it or not! There’s no need to compare yourself with someone else. Rather, focus on being a better person tomorrow than what you are today. Don’t compare your life with others — that might make you feel low about not having certain things that others have. You are beautiful and unique in your own way. You have the potential to grow and evolve with each passing day.
8. Learn to say ‘No’.
As a child, you barely had a chance to place your opinions but adulthood would bring in a lot of situations where you will have to take decisions — firmly and boldly. There will be things that you might not like, but you would probably have to do it to make someone else happy. Rather than doing something that makes you unhappy or discomforts you, learn to be stern and say ‘No’. You won’t become a bad person if you say ‘No’ — instead, you’ll realize that you can’t be a people pleaser forever!
Stepping into adulthood will be full of difficult responsibilities, but at the same time, it’s that part when you can shape your life and craft your future. While the above-mentioned ones are the things that you should definitely do in your 20s, make sure that you are happy with whatever you do. Unless and until you are happy with yourself, you probably can’t do anything meaningful enough.
Cheers to your 20s!